Michelle Forbes talks with TV Time Machine radio host Jim Benson about her new spy-thriller TV series Berlin Station, which airs Sundays at 9PM on Epix.
In this audio edition of the TV Time Machine, we welcome Michelle Forbes of Berlin Station. Ms. Forbes is an Emmy-Nominated actress, who’s appeared in such series as Chicago Fire, True Blood, and is probably best known for playing the mother in The Killing.
In the following audio segment, Michelle Forbes talks about starring as Branch Chief for the CIA in the spy thriller Berlin Station, which airs Sundays at 9 PM, only on Epix. Again, for those of you intrepid enough to plug a few wicked leaks, feel free not to get snowed, as we leave our grand central station of the past, so we can show some intelligence, in the present!
Listen to the Interview Below
Michelle Forbes audio interview
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