John Benjamin Hickey talks with TV Time Machine radio host Jim Benson about his historic TV drama Manhattan, which airs Tuesdays at 9:00 PM on WGN America.
In this audio journey of the TV Time Machine, we welcome John Benjamin Hickey of Manhattan. Mr. Hickey is an Emmy nominated and Tony Award-winning actor, and is best known for starring in the critically acclaimed TV series, The Big C.
In this audio segment, John Benjamin Hickey talks about starring in Manhattan–his riveting series about the human story behind The Manhattan Project–which airs Tuesdays at 9 PM on WGN America. Again, for those of you intrepid enough to know me from Atom, feel free to to join us on the eve of this historic interview, as we leave our post-war present, in order to cause a chain reaction, in the past.
Listen to the Interview Below
John Benjamin Hickey audio interview
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