Tom Riley and Laura Haddock, the stars of Da Vinci’s Demons, are interviewed by TV Time Machine radio host Jim Benson about their fantasy/adventure TV series whose second season premieres Saturday, March 22nd at 9 PM on Starz.
In this audio journey on the TV Time Machine, we seek to put to rest Da Vinci’s Demons. In this edition of our program, we are pleased to welcome the stars of the hit TV series Da Vinci’s Demons, Tom Riley and Laura Haddock. Mr. Riley plays Leonardo Da Vinci on the series, and Ms. Haddock plays his bewitching mistress, Lucrezia.
Over the next segment, Tom Riley and Laura Haddock will help us explore virtually every aspect of this historical series, whose second season premieres Saturday, March 22nd at 9 PM on Starz. Again, for those of you intrepid enough to launch a new invention, feel free to examine your anatomy, as we roam away from the present, to dissect a patently pending past!
Listen to the Interview Below
Tom Riley and Laura Haddock audio interview
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