Curtis Armstrong and Robert Carradine are interviewed by TV Time Machine radio host Jim Benson about their geeky competition TV show, King of the Nerds, which airs Thursdays at 10 PM on TBS.
In this audio journey of the TV Time Machine, we break out our pocket protector as we crown King of the Nerds. In this edition of our program, we are pleased to welcome Curtis Armstrong and Robert Carradine of the hit competition series, King of the Nerds. Mr. Armstrong has appeared in multiple TV Shows, including the classic series Moonlighting, and Mr. Carradine is probably best known for starring in the Revenge of the Nerds movies of the 1980’s.
Over the next audio segment, Curtis Armstrong and Robert Carradine help us explore virtually every aspect of this nerdy series, which airs Thursdays at 10 PM on TBS. Again, for those of you intrepid enough to geek out with us, feel free to put masking tape on your glasses, as we move out of our parent’s basement of the past, to rule the world, in the present!
Listen to the Interview Below
King of the Nerds audio interview
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