David Zayas and Lauren Velez are interviewed by TV Time Machine radio host Jim Benson about their classic TV series Dexter, which makes its basic cable premiere on NUVO TV, January 13th.
In this audio journey of the TV Time Machine, we cut quite a figure as we probe the mind of Dexter. In this edition of our program, we are proud to welcome David Zayas and Lauren Velez of the modern day classic horror TV series, Dexter. Mr. Zayas played Sgt. Angel Batista on the series, having also appeared in the TV prison drama Oz, and Ms. Velez played Captain Maria LaGuerta for seven of the show’s eight seasons.
Over the next audio segment, David Zayas and Lauren Velez help us explore virtually every aspect of this horrific series, which makes its basic cable premiere on NUVO TV, January 13th. Again, for those of you intrepid enough to follow the code, feel free to grab a doughnut, as we stalk our way out of the past, to inject ourselves into the present!
Listen to the Interview Below
David Zayas and Lauren Velez audio interview
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