Laura Vandervoort, the star of Bitten, is interviewed by TV Time Machine radio host Jim Benson about her new horror TV series debuting Monday, January 14th at 10 PM Eastern on SyFy.
In this audio journey on the TV Time Machine, we take a bite out of time as we sink our teeth into Bitten. In this edition of our program, we are pleased to welcome Laura Vandervoort, the star of the new Sci Fi horror series, Bitten. Ms. Vandervoort is a popular actress, having appeared in the hit film Ted, the Sci Fi series V, and is probably best known for playing Supergirl in the long-running TV series, Smallville.
In this audio segment, Laura Vandervoort helps us explore virtually every aspect of this terrifying series, which debuts Monday, January 13th at 10 PM Eastern on SyFy. Again, for those of you intrepid enough to go on the hunt, feel free to become a wolf in sheep’s clothing, as we claw or way out of the past, in order to bay at the moon, in the present!
Listen to the Interview Below
Laura Vandervoort audio interview
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