Elliott Halpern, the executive producer of Building Star Trek, talks with TV Time Machine radio host Jim Benson about his Star Trek documentary, airing on The Smithsonian Channel.
In this audio edition of the TV Time Machine, we welcome Elliott Halpern, the Executive Producer of Building Star Trek. Mr. Halpern is an Emmy-award winning documentarian, having produced such films as Deadly Currents and The Selling of Innocents.
Over the next audio segment, Elliott Halpern talks how Star Trek predicted half a century ago, much of the technology that exists today, which is fully explored in Building Star Trek, airing only on The Smithsonian Channel. Again, for those of you intrepid enough to go where no man has gone before, feel free to issue a prime time directive, as we leave our illogical past, in order to mind-meld with the present, and future!
Listen to the Interview Below
Elliott Halpern audio interview
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