Linda Hamilton talks with TV Time Machine radio host Jim Benson about her role on the sci fi TV series Defiance, which airs Thursdays at 8 PM on Syfy.
In this audio journey of the TV Time Machine, we are proud to welcome Linda Hamilton of Defiance. Ms. Hamilton is an accomplished movie and television actress, and is best known for starring in the TV series Beauty and the Beast, and playing Sarah Connor in the classic films Terminator and Terminator 2: Judgment Day.
Over the next audio segment, Linda Hamilton talks about her role in the hit TV series Defiance, which airs Thursdays at 8 PM on SyFy. Again, for those of you intrepid enough to tune in to Skynet, feel free to say I’ll be back, as we terminate the past, to enter a very defiant, future!
Listen to the Interview Below
Linda Hamilton audio interview
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