Lisa Henson, executive producer of Doozers and daughter of Jim Henson, talks with TV Time Machine radio host Jim Benson about her children’s TV series spin-off from the classic show Fraggle Rock, now available online on HuluKids at Hulu.Com.
In this audio journey of the TV Time Machine, we are proud to welcome Lisa Henson, the executive producer of the new online series Doozers. Ms. Henson is the daughter of legendary Muppet creator Jim Henson, who is continuing her father’s legacy with this spin-off of the classic TV series, Fraggle Rock.
Over the next audio segment, Lisa Henson discusses this new and innovative children’s series featuring the industrious Doozers, now available online on HuluKids at Hulu.Com. Again, for those of you intrepid enough to do some hard labor, feel free to eat some radishes, as we dig our way out of the past, to build a new foundation, in the present.
Listen to the Interview Below
Lisa Henson audio interview
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