Sam Huntington is interviewed by TV Time Machine radio host Jim Benson about his hit TV horror series Being Human, which airs Mondays at 9 PM on SyFy.
In this audio journey of the TV Time Machine, we transform ourselves as we pursue Being Human. In this edition of our program, we are pleased to welcome Sam Huntington, one of the stars of the hit TV horror series, Being Human. Mr. Huntington has played Josh, the conflicted werewolf for four seasons on the series, and is probably best known for his role as Jimmy Olsen in the film, Superman Returns.
Over this audio segment, Sam Huntington helps us explore virtually every aspect of this frightening and funny series, which airs Mondays at 9 PM on SyFy. Again, for those of you intrepid enough to get really hairy, feel free to turn, as we leave our paw prints in the past, to make our mark, in the present!
Listen to the Interview Below
Sam Huntington audio interview
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