Autumn Blair and her dad J Blair, are interviewed by TV Time Machine radio host Jim Benson about their docu-series Chasing Nashville, which airs Tuesdays at 10 PM, only on Lifetime.
In this audio journey on the TV Time Machine, we decide to go country as we find ourselves Chasing Nashville. In this edition of our program, we are pleased to welcome Autumn Blair and her dad J Blair from the new docu-series, Chasing Nashville. Ms. Blair is an extraordinary young singer/songwriter whose quest to break into the country music business is chronicled in this unique reality program.
In this audio segment, Autumn Blair and J Blair helps us explore virtually every aspect of this fascinating series, as we discuss the ups and downs of chasing a dream while Chasing Nashville. Again, for those of you intrepid enough to sing about losing your girl, your truck, and your dog, feel free to cry in your beer, as we leave the Grand Ole Opry of the past, to experience a new generation of country artists in the present, and for the future!
Listen to the Interview Below
Autumn Blair audio interview
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